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来源:整理 时间:2023-07-11 09:39:51 编辑:八论文 手机版


Thank you 是谢谢 Thank you very much 是非常感谢 望采纳
thank you!
thanks或者thank you ,两句意思一样,为同义句。
Thank You,谢谢你或你们! thanks 谢谢! 其实,两个意思一样!第二个虽然没有说是谁,但还是指的是你或者你们!



by the mutual love they



acknowledgement:first I appreciate my country who give me a comfortable learning atmosphere,second i want to thanks my supervisor(指导老师)for his help and XXXX during the representation.to my classmate.I want to let them know that:you are my proud of my life.being with your guys is the happiest time I ever had。also I have a word to my gf:thanks for shareing with me all the crying or laughing time.you are so sweet,oh,god,I couldnot help crying at this moment
在本论文完成之际,我要向所有帮助过我的老师、同学表示衷心的感谢! 我要特别感谢我的指导老师xx老师的热情关怀和悉心指导。在我撰写论文的过程中,xx老师倾注了大量的心血和汗水。从开题报告的修改、论文的架构拟定到最终定稿,他给予了殷切的指导,提出了许多宝贵的意见。无论是在论文的选题、构思和资料的收集方面,还是在论文的研究方法以及成文定稿方面,我都得到了黄辉老师悉心细致的教诲和无私的帮助,特别是他广博的学识、严谨的治学精神和一丝不苟的工作作风使我受益匪浅,在此表示真诚地感谢和深深的谢意。 感谢所有支持和帮助过我的良师益友。他们为我及时完成论文写作提供了许多支持和帮助,并定期督促论文写作进度,才使得此论文得以按期保质的完成。在论文的写作过程中,得到了许多同学的宝贵建议,特别是室友的鼓励、对问题的争执、相关素材的提供,对我来说都是我莫大的财富。 论文的完成是大学四年学术生活的一个句点,回顾四年以来,真是感慨碰到了很好的老师、很好的同学,你们的指导与帮助我会永远铭记!



你好读书真让我着迷 世界就像一个五光十色的万花筒,各种各样的事物都使人着迷。朋友,你踏进这个世界,有什么事物使你着迷了吗?是的,有许多东西可令我着迷的。我可以大声告诉你,我着迷读书,有人认为,书是什么?书是一张废纸,我可不这样认为,书中自有真情趣,它真让我着迷。 不知从什么时候,我爱上了读书。从一年级学“一、二、三”到“日、月、山”识字明显多了,求知欲也多了。啊!读书真让我着迷。 从一本小小的连环画到一本厚厚的长篇小说,书本见证了我的着迷。这不同的书带给我不同的趣味,有那耐人寻味的童话,有那激斗连篇的武侠小说,有那抱腹大笑的笑话。其中,我最喜欢爱看侦察小说。 有一次,我买来一本侦察小说,厚厚的一本。我坐在床上,聚精会神地看,思索着那一篇为什么写他的面会变色的,不久才知道它带着一个透明的面具,在不同的灯光反射下,他也会随着灯光的颜色变了起来,真令人产生快乐感。这时,门突然打开了,我妈下班回来,问我你吃饭了没,我才记得我没有吃饭,我不经不觉地从早上8点钟看到下午2点钟了。但是,我脑子里却吃了“饭”。 还有一次,我表哥送给我几本侦察小说,我一天也看不完,就把它带到课室上看,在数学课上,老师在讲解正数和负数的时候,我正看着那侦察小说《金田一少年事件薄》,在那断桥为什么可以重新接起来,而用一只手可以做到呢? 到了老师向我提问的时候,我突然大叫起来:“啊!原来这样,我为什么想不到呢?”同学们大叫叫起来了,便大声笑了起来,还有人说:“老师,这个爱看侦察小说的大傻瓜又在发傻了,”老师来到了我的坐位上,说:“下课,来我这里,”我心里在哀叹:“又”要挨骂了…… 如果有一天我没有侦察小说看,我可能会发疯,可能发狂。真不能想象得到。啊!我真爱读书,读书真让我着迷! 写作真让我着迷我很喜欢小学的语文老师,喜欢她的笑,喜欢她的言语,更喜欢她对我文章的点评,因此,可以说,我从那个时候就对写作着了迷,我的语文老师有23岁,她长得非常漂亮.我平时的时候喜欢喊她姐姐,她也欣然接受.满意请采纳


中文 本文是在XX老师精心指导和大力支持下完成的。X老师以其严谨求实的治学态度、高度的敬业精神、兢兢业业、孜孜以求的工作作风和大胆创新的进取精神对我产生重要影响。她渊博的知识、开阔的视野和敏锐的思维给了我深深的启迪。同时,在此次毕业设计过程中我也学到了许多了关于微生物发酵方面的知识,实验技能有了很大的提高。 另外,我还要特别感谢师姐对我实验以及论文写作的指导,她为我完成这篇论文提供了巨大的帮助。还要感谢,XX和XX同学对我的无私帮助,使我得以顺利完成论文。同时实验室的XX老师也时常帮助我,在此我也衷心的感谢他。 最后,再次对关心、帮助我的老师和同学表示衷心地感谢 英文 This is in XX carefully guidance and strong support of the teachers completed. X teachers with stringent realistic attitude in his scholarly work, a high degree of professionalism, dedication and assiduous work style and bold innovation and entrepreneurial spirit to me have an important impact. Her vast knowledge, broaden their horizons and gave me quick thinking deep enlightenment. Meanwhile, in the process I also learned from the design of a number of microbial fermentation on the knowledge, skills have greatly increased experiment. In addition, I would like to offer special thanks to our masters thesis writing to me experiment and guidance she provided for me to complete this paper great help. Would also like to thank, XX and XX students selfless help to me, and I could successfully completed theses. Meanwhile laboratory XX teachers also often helped me and I also sincerely thank him. Finally, again for caring for and helping my heartfelt appreciation to teachers and students
Acknowledgements This thesis would not have been possible without the contributions off several people. To all of these people, I wish to express my gratitude. First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge and extend my heartfelt gratitude to my supervisor—Associate Professor Zhang Yingbo, for her vital encouragement and patient guidance, generous assistance and invaluable advice, all of which have been of inestimable worth to the completion of my thesis. Secondly, my special thanks go to all people have helped and taught me immensely during the four years of my study in Changzhou Institute of Technology. And I would also like to thank all the classmates and friends who have given me generous support and helpful advice during the past years. They have provided me great help and comprehensive supervision through the four years. I have benefited a great deal from their advice and suggestions. The last but no least, my thanks would also go to my beloved parents and elder sister Amy for their boundless love and whole-hearted support over all these past years.
Acknowledgements I am glad to express my gratitude. First of all, I would like to thank my most respected research supervisor, Professor XXX, for being an integral part of this thesis throughout all its stages, both at the intellectual and the practical and the technical level. She has been warm and cheerful and for making me feel comfortable to talk to about anything. I thank her for generously sharing her knowledge and time, for being patient with my questions. The research in this article would not have been possible without her help. Secondly, I thank I am grateful to the teachers and 100 students from X XXSchool.and i also thank my classmates and their students form Zhangjiajie XXXschool for their co-operation on vocabulary test and questionnaires.
