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求知导刊 怎么样,Jasan Home健盛之家这个牌子怎么样

来源:整理 时间:2023-01-25 07:28:38 编辑:八论文 手机版


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Jasan Home健盛之家这个牌子怎么样




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In Guests of The Nation, Hawkins and Nobles arguments about religion is eye-catching. On first reading, their arguments may seem to be ridiculous. However, their arguments actually show how cruel the final execution is, how unreasonable it is to divide human beings into opposing groups merely based on some so-called “principles”. It is Hawkins quarrel with Noble that makes his death more pitiful. Through his arguments, Hawkins shows his distinguishable personality. As the narrator “I” puts it, Hawkins has “a deplorable tongue”. He often argues passionately and asks questions in a quite sarcastic way, like “Have they a factory for wings?” He also likes using dirty words like “bleeding” and “damn”. On the one hand, these prove Hawkins is indeed “a terrible man” and “a fright to argue”. On the other hand, readers may find that he has a somehow lovely character, because he is so stubborn and serious, and his sarcasms show that he is witty. As long as a character develops his own personality, he gets a “face” in readers minds. More importantly, through his arguments with Noble, Hawkins shows that he has his own thoughts and desires to voice his opinions. His distinct “voice” makes him a more profound person. With a distinguishable “face” and a particular “voice”, Hawkins becomes a real person with blood and flesh. Therefore, when he is killed, the scene becomes more mournful. The readers can almost imagine the feeling of Hawkins when he is being killed, because he is depicted as a person so real and common just like someone in the readers daily life. The topic over which Hawkins argues with Noble is religion. This topic must be carefully chosen by the writer, because their disagreements on religion make the final shooting more agonizing and unbearable to both of them. From the beginning to the end, Hawkins sticks to his belief as an atheist,insisting that there is no world after death, no God nor angels. Due to Hawkinss atheistic world view, his being shot to death becomes more tragic. To an atheist, there is no hope for another world after death, the secular world is the only one he has. This means that when Hawkins is going to be shot, he thinks that his life is going to end forever, and there will be no chance for him to live again in heaven. Compared with those who can hope for another world, to Hawkins death is a crueler fact to face. This explains why before being shot Hawkins gets very agitated and keeps trying to persuade Donovan and Noble into giving up the decision. His drastic reaction is a reflection of his strong desire to live, a yearning derives from his atheistic world view. From his reaction, readers can sense his anxiety and fear, thus sympathize with him. Through Hawkinss arguments with Noble, it can be seen that he seems to hold a very pessimistic attitude towards most things. He does not trust the authority whom he refers as “capitalists” and he does not believe in superb and hopeful things like heaven and angels. However, when coming to realize that he and Belcher are going to be shot, Hawkins is totally shocked and puzzled. Compared with Belchers calm acceptance, Hawkins reacts violently. He first shows great puzzlement, feeling hard to believe the truth, then made constant efforts to change Donovans mind. His puzzlement and disappointment show that he actually believes in the kindness in human nature and his friendship with Noble. Although he does not believe in Christianity, still he has trust in peoples good nature and the universal love among all human beings. To him, the universal love among people is higher than all other principles. Therefore, neither disagreements about religion nor the different positions in a war can be a justifiable reason for killing someone that one loves. Contrary to Hawkins, Nobles arguments show that he is a serious and taciturn person. When arguing with eloquent Hawkins, he is is always at a disadvantage. But like Hawkins, Noble is also stubborn and he holds to his religious belief, believing that there is a God and angels. With such an upright character and a pious religious belief, Noble finds it very cruel to kill Hawkins. Christianity advocates forming a brotherhood among human beings, and indeed the two Englishmen and the two Irishmen have formed a kind of brotherhood. The two Irishmen learn Belchers way of saying “chum”, .Hawkins learns an Irish dance, and they four often play cards together. The natural love among human beings have bound them together and made them become intimate. When killing Hawkins and Belcher, Noble feels terrible, as if he is killing his “brothers”, though they do not have the same religion with him. After the shooting, Noble is much depressed. With the two Englishmens grave hanging over him, he kneels down and begins praying. He may be praying for the two dead Englishmen, wishing that they would live another life in heaven, but he may be also praying for himself and begging for Gods forgiveness, for he feels so guilty for committing the crime of killing his “brothers”. Worse still, from that day on, Nobles faith may have been shaken. He may feel that love among people is not enough to make the world a better place, nor the faith in superb things a solace strong enough for one living in such a cruel world.
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