首页 > 论文 > 医学论文 > 主动语态用英语怎么说,在英语中主动语态的主要结构


来源:整理 时间:2023-01-12 04:29:07 编辑:八论文 手机版






1we use the key to lock door 2people grow bananas in the south of China 3My aunt made a new dress for me 4someone saw a child falling off the bike 5mary is drawing a nice horse 6Have the workers planted many trees? 7you must finish your homework first 8we will study Five thousand English words next year 9He said his mother had washed his clothes 10 did he send a birthday present to Kate



1.I hear her talking about Lily. She is heard to talk about Lily. 2.She makes me help with her homework. I am made to help with her homework. 3.He watches Zhang Lei playing the piano. Zhang Lei is watched to play the piano. 4.She sees me playing with my toy. I is seen to play with my toy.
I had bought a cake to my mother主动 A cake had been bought to my mother by me被动 we watched him play football yestoday he was watched to play football by us yestoday



be determined, be pleased, be graduated (from), be finished, be prepared (for), be occupied (in), get marries 都为被动语态He is graduated from a famous university.   他毕业于一所有名的大学。注意: 表示同某人结婚,用marry sb. 或get married to sb. 都可。  He married a rich girl.  He got married to a rich girl.
被动就是某人或某物被怎么,主动是某人把某物怎么,主动结构是sb+do+sth,被动式sb/sth+be+p.p.+sth e.g.i buy a ball.(主动) the ball is bought .(被动)


主动语态是表示主语是谓语动作的使动方的语态。在主动语态中,谓语的动作源自主语,而施加于宾语。相反,在被动语态中,主语是谓语动作的受动方。在主动语态中,主语后面接人(be +动词原型)被动语态(be+动词过去分词)在主动语态中,主语是谓语动词的使动方。在被动语态中,主语是谓语动词的受动方。 在语法结构上,主动语态和被动语态的区别主要在于,主动语态直接使用动词原形作为谓语,然后再在该动词原形的基础上施加时态和其他语法;而被动语态则使用系词+动词的过去分词作为谓语,各种时态和其他语法也施加在系词上。 举例: 1.主动语态:The snowslide killed him. 雪崩害死了他。被动语态:He was killed by the snowslide. 他死于雪崩。 2.主动语态:We use electricity to run machines. 我们用电力来开动机器。被动语态:Electricity is used to run machines. 电力被我们用来开动机器。 3.主动语态:Bell invented the telephone in 1876.贝尔于1876年发明了电话。被动语态:The telephone was invented by Bell in1876.电话是贝尔于1876年发明的。
主动语态:使动作发生的人或物是句子的主语,像这样的句子就是主动语态。例句:My father wrote the book.我父亲写了这本书。 write这个动作是由my father 主动产生的。


被动语态的特殊形式 被动语态的形式除了BE+过去分词外,还有其他的形式。 1.主语+get+过去分词在多数情况下不接by+宾语。 All three criminals got shot in the crossfire. 在交火时三名罪犯全部被击中。 Three cops got shot in the crossfire with the criminals. 在与罪犯交火时三名警察被击中。 2.have无被动语态,但可用于"主语+have(or get)+宾语+过去分词"的结构,表示宾语被...,多用于叫人或雇人作某事,有时表示遭遇不幸的事。 A man has his hair cut every other year. 一个男人每两年理一次头发。 I have my hair cut every other week.
1.This song ofen sing by chidren. 2.The Great Wall is known all over the world by people. 3.The window was broken by Tom. 4.All questions were answered by Joho. 5.I was told to wait here for him by he . 6.The children is taking care by Marry. 7.A new bridge was built by us last year .
1.孩子们经常唱这首歌 2.全世界的人都知道长城 3.汤姆打烂了窗子 4.joho回答了所有问题 5.他叫我在这里等他 6.嘛丽在照顾孩子们 7.我们去年在何上建了一条桥


一、主动语态变为被动语态的方法将主动语态变为被动语态的方法可分为三步:第一步是把主动句的宾语变成被动句的主语;第二步是把主动句的谓语变成“be+过去分词”,be时态要与原句保持一致;第三步是把主动句的主语变为by的宾语,放在被动句的谓语之后,by短语可以省略。如:mary broke the cup. 玛丽打破了杯子。→the cup was broken by mary. 杯子是玛丽打破的。二、双宾语动词如何变被动语态如果一个动词带有双宾语,在变为被动语态时,可将其中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个不动,但通常是将间接宾语为主语。如:he gave me a book yesterday. 昨天他给了我一本书。→i was given a book by him yesterday. 昨天由他给了我一本书。→a book was given (to) me by him yesterday. 昨天一本书由他给了我。若把直接宾语(指物)改为主语,则通常要在间接宾语(指人)前加适当的介词。按英语习惯,在bring, give, hand, lend, offer, pass, sell, show, take, tell等动词后通常用介词to来引出间接宾语,在build, buy, cook, cut, choose, do, fetch, find, fix, get, keep, make, order, paint, play, sing等动词后通常用介词for来引出间接宾语。如:i bought her a dictionary. 我给她买了本词典。→a dictionary was bought for her. 买了本词典给她。由于某些动词与介词有习惯搭配,既不用to也不用for,而用别的介词。如:people all over the world know the great wall. 世界上的人都知道长城。→the great wall is known to people all over the world. 世界上的人都知道长城。三、复合宾语动词变被动语态如果一个动词后带的是复合宾语(宾语+宾补),若需将其变为被动句,其方法是:把主动句中的宾语改为主语,而宾语补足语保留在谓语动词后面成为主语补足语。如:they chose tom captain. 他们选汤姆为队长。→tom was chosen captain. 汤姆被选为队长。i found him lying on the floor. 我发现他躺在地板上。→he was found lying on the floor. 他被发现躺在地板上。注意,在主动语态中,用于动词see, watch, hear, notice, listen to, look at, make, feel等后作宾语补足语的动词不定式都不带to,但改成被动语态后要加上to。如:people saw him enter the building. 人们看见他走进大楼。→he was seen to enter the building. 有人看见他走进大楼。
