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教学目标,看分几步 e.g:step1 认识新词 step2 区分....... step3重点句型 课前预习 轻松时候 有关这课的笑话 课堂达标 OK!希望采纳






一、教学内容: 一般过去时的构成及用法二、教学目标:1、知识目标:复习掌握一般过去时的各种句型,掌握规则和不规则动词的过去式。功能:描述过去发生的事情2、语言技能:听:能听懂辨别一般过去时描述的故事。说:能够谈论自己过去的生活经历和感受。读:能读懂描述过去的的文章,能查阅工具书为完成任务做准备。写:能够写介绍自己和周围同学的生活经历的短文,用一般过去时编写小故事。3、学习策略: 通过各种游戏,主动参与学习活动,善于和他人合作。4、情感目标:通过描述过去所做的事,表达自己的看法,引导学生关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活的其他生命。三、教学重难点:教学重点:规则动词和不规则动词的一般过去式一般过去时的各种句型对过去的事情进行描述,教学难点:用一般过去时编故事四、媒体平台多媒体课件及一般过去时的语音动画五、教学设计Step 1. Warm-upGreet the class as usual , Introduce the teaching aims and the teaching ways.Step 2. Enjoy the moviea. Watch the movie carefully,Find out the answers to the questionsb. Watch it again, pay attention to the tense and the form of the verbs, try to retell the storyc. Review the rules of the regular verbs and some and some imregulars verbsStep 3. Game---Snowballa. give them an example:A:TVB: TV showC: an interesting TV showD: I watched an interesting TV show.E: I watched an interesting TV show last night.F: I watched an interesting TV show last night with my mother .……b. Groupwork.Choose one word to do like the example, which group can finish first.c. Read the sentenceStep 4. Practicea. 中考连接b. 多项选择,并说出其错误原因Step 5. Story timeTake words ,make up a story.要求:1. 用上所有的动词2. 用一般过去时3. 尽可能用到一般过去时的各种句型4. 语言准确,意思连贯Step 6. SummaryStudents read together.Step 7. AssessmentStudents write what they learned from this lesson ?1.Words:2. Sentences:3. Grammar:4. Others:Step 8. HomeworkComplete the story in groups.
初 中 英 语 教 案 lesson 45(book 1)双 羊 中 学薛 中 梅2002.10teaching plantitle: unit 12(lesson45)teaching aids: multiple media and tape recorderteaching purpose:1. count numbers from 1to 502. learn some plural forms of nouns(重点)3. practise drills like this:(重点、难点)how many......are there......?there is only one./there are......teaching steps:step 1:count numbers from 1to 50step 2: play a game:t: whats in the bag?(let students guess)s: there is a/an......in it./there are.....in it.(引出本节课的重点、难点:名词的复数及there be句型)step 3:revision:revise the singular and plural forms of nouns(show pictures)e.g. bird-birds bus-buses baby-babies goose-geese ect.step 4:presentations:show the pictures of men, women and children. teach the plural forms of men, women and children.step 5: listen to the tape(part 1)and then ask and answer like this:(show pictures)how many......are there?there is only one./there are......where are they?theyre at school/home/work.(then practise dialogues like this according to the fact)step 6: listen to the tape(part 3) and answer questions:how many kites are there in the sky?how many birds are there in the sky?(then read the dialogue and act it.)step 7: summary:1. the plural forms of nouns2. how many......are there?there is a/an....../there are......step 8: talk about the picture(幻灯片显示,巩固本节课所学重点内容)step 9: homework: do ex 1 and ex 2 of your workbook.

5,初中英语教师资格证 英语试讲教案怎么写

教案的形式不拘一样,内容详略也不一,有经验的教师可以写简案,新教师要写详案.一般说来,教案包括以下几个方面:  (1)教学课题(2)教学目的(3)课时分配(4)授课类型(5)教学重点、难点及教学关键(6)教学手段、教具(7)教学主要方法(8)教学过程(9)板书和板画的设计(10)课后分析及教学参考资料.
unit 1 wheres your pen pal from? language goal 1.function: . in this unit students learn to talk about where people are from. 2.vocabulary: canada ,france, japan the united states, australia, singapore, the united kingdom, china 3.target language: where is your pen pal from? /she is from canada. where does she live? /she lives in toronto. what language does she speak? /she speaks english and french. 4.structures where questions /what questions key points where questions /what questions difficulties the names of different countries /the languages of different countries /the differences of “be” and “do” in the sentence. section a 1a. this activity provides guided listening and pronunciation practice using the target language. 1.point to the numbered list of words. play the recording the first time. students only listen. 2.play the recoding a second time. ask ss to repeat the names of the countries 3.let ss read the new words aloud individually or in pairs. 1b. this activity provides listening practice using the target language. 1.point out the list of countries in 1a. let ss circle the names of the countries the people are talking about. 2.play the recording the first time. 3.play the recording a second time. ss only listen. 4.check the answers. (canada, australia, japan, singapore) 1c. this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. 1. point out the conversations in the picture and ask a student to read each one with you, then in pairs, in groups. 2. ask various pairs to present a new one to the class. 2a. this activity provides reading and spelling practice using the target language. 1. point out the list of countries. read and ask ss to repeat. 2. point out the list of cities. read and ask ss to repeat aloud. 3. ask ss to work, offer help as needed. 4. correct the work. 2b. this activity provides listening practice using the target language. 1. call attention to the list of cities and countries in 2a. let ss circle them when they hear the conversations at the first time. 2. play the recording a second time. 3. check the answers.(japan, tokyo ,france ,paris, australia, sydney) 2c. this activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language. 1. call attention to the chart in 2c. play the first conversation on the tape. 2. play the recording again and have ss fill in the chart. 3. check the answers. 2d. this activity provides guided oral practice using the target language. 1. call attention to the conversation in the picture. 2. ask two ss to read it to the class. 3. ask ss to work in small groups. appoint a leader. make sure everyone talks about at least one of the people on the chart. 4. ask pairs of ss to present their conversations to the class. grammar focus 1.review the grammar box. ask ss to say the questions and answers. 1) where is your pen pal from? he is from australia. 2.where does he live? he lives in sydney. 2. ask ss to make more sentences with “where, from. and live 3a. this activity provides reading and spelling practice . 1. point out the diagram and explain how it works. 2. read the instructions to the class. ask ss to work in pairs. 3. correct the answers.(1.china 2.the united states ,the united kingdom, australia,3.singapore) 3b. this activity provides guided oral practice. 1. call attention to the conversation in the picture. ask two ss to read it to the class. answer their questions about the conversation. 2. ask ss to work in pairs. 3. ask several students to perform their conversations for the class. 4. this activity provides listening, speaking, reading and writing practice 1. explain the procedure. 2. play the game. section b 1.this activity provides reading practice 1. point out the language textbooks on the desktop. 2. call attention to the notebook page with the countries listed. 3. point out the sample answer . 4. ask ss to write the letter of the correct country in the box next to the title of each language book., ask ss to work in pairs. 5. ask a student to write his or her answers on the board. 2a. this activity provides listening practice. 1. call attention to the conversation bubbles in the picture. 2. play the recording, number each question you bear on the tape. 3. play the recording a second time. 4. check the answers.(answers: whats her name?1 /where is she from?2 /does she have any brothers and sister? 3 /does she speak english?) 2b. this activity provides listening and writing practice. 1. call attention to the numbered questions in 2a,ask different ss to read it 2. point out the answer blanks in 2b and the sample answer. 3. play the tape and ask ss to complete the answers individually. 4. correct the answers. 2c. this activity provides oral practice 1. ask each student to work with a partner. ask and answer 2. practice one or two exchanges with a student. then work in pairs. 3. ask a pair of ss to perform the conversation for the class. 3a. this activity provides reading and writing practice. 1. call attention to the letter. read it to the class or a student to read it for you. 2. point to the four questions beneath the letter. 3. as ss work, move around .and help them. 4. when they are finished, ask the questions orally and ask ss to answers. 5. write the correct answers on the board so that ss can check the spelling and other details of their answers.(1.toronto,canada,2.a pen pal in china 3.english and a little french. 4.he likes going to the movies with his friends and playing sports. ) 3b. this activity provides reading and writing practice. 1. call attention to the letter from tom king. 2. point out the blanks in the letter. ask them to find the information to complete the letter . 3. read the letter to the class saying “blank”. 4. ask ss to write the missing words on the blank lines individually. 5. correct the answers. 3c. this activity provides open-ended practice. ask ss to make their own information card and then write an email about themselves. tell them to use 3b as an example. 以七年级下册第一单元为例的教案。教案就是要写出教学目标,教学重难点,教学策略,教学流程。用全英文写。 试讲时最好用简单易懂的口语与学生,显得比较专业和亲切。学生配合好,评委的评价就好了。可以带中文,前提是学生都比较茫然,不知道怎么做时。
