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描述一个广告 用英语怎么说,用英语描述一个好的广告求帮助哈

来源:整理 时间:2023-09-07 06:38:57 编辑:八论文 手机版


广告很有创意,The advertisement is so originality



Google it, and you can get it. Just do itimpossible is nothing!!!



比较书面形式:advertisementn.1.出公告, 做广告2.广告口语化的:adn.1.广告
做名词时:advertisement 常写作ad. 动词时:advert


4,用英语描述一支广告急 最好是我们熟悉的广告谢谢啦

Nothing is impossible
你好!AD, is a description is not a specific advertising is how to play...打字不易,采纳哦!
Just do it .(Nike)
To be No.1.(鸿星尔克)


//www.xhd:广告能否促进购物,详情参看雅思写作范文.cn/ielts/xiezuo/201212/81824.shtml" target="_blank">http://www.xhd.cn/ielts/xiezuo/201212/81824:新航道_02|发布于2012-12-27 13:36评论
听力:建议你精听剑桥3到7,精听是指先听一句写一句,全文共听写3遍,之后再看着自己的听一遍,然后不看听一遍。除了精听,你可以从网上下载雅思高频听力词汇,默写熟练,每个单词在5秒内写出,这样就没有问题了。写作:推荐凉月的写作书,很管用,你只要按照那本书里的去做一定能到6分以上。阅读:是最简单最容易的提分部分了,把剑4,5,6全部精读,把每篇文章的结构划出,生僻词弄懂,句型总结并练习造句,一篇文章至少要花2个小时精读,你只用这样读完一本剑桥4,阅读一定可以到7分以上。(我的阅读是8分,就是这样练得,而且对写作很有帮助) 口语:如果想取得稍微高一点的分数,建议你:1.尽量减少语法错误2.语速不必很快,但必须保证考官能够听懂,因为据统计如果你能让考官听懂你40%,就是6到6.5的水平。3.学会使用一些比较高级的词汇和句型。比如说不要一直good,good下去,可以用excellent之类的,总之要有替换。句型不要总是简单句,要学会从句,虚拟,感叹。 嘿~顺便分享个免费的雅思等级测试给你吧 http://nana.e-say.com.cn/apply14是个老外,挺有趣的喔~


This billboard for Target displays an advertisement for Easter. It shows the title “Easter” in large red lettering on the left hand side. Directly below is the text “What makes you happy?” in smaller black text. Then to the right, an image of an attractive young boy smiling, his face covered in chocolate, holding an Easter egg covered in the Target logo. He is standing in front of part of the Target logo and directly above is another image of the Target logo, which states “Target 100% happy”. The circumstances of this is the advertisement is trying to associate Easter with what makes you happy and chocolate makes people happy, so if you too want too be happy shop at Target for chocolate this Easter. http://seriousweblog-jules.blogspot.com/2008/03/advertisement-description-and.html
this billboard for target displays an advertisement for easter. it shows the title “easter” in large red lettering on the left hand side. directly below is the text “what makes you happy?” in smaller black text. then to the right, an image of an attractive young boy smiling, his face covered in chocolate, holding an easter egg covered in the target logo. he is standing in front of part of the target logo and directly above is another image of the target logo, which states “target 100% happy”. the circumstances of this is the advertisement is trying to associate easter with what makes you happy and chocolate makes people happy, so if you too want too be happy shop at target for chocolate this easter.

