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来源:整理 时间:2023-01-16 10:03:53 编辑:八论文 手机版


“合并重组”Merger and reorganization"“合并重组”Merger and reorganization"


2,英语重形合 汉语重意合怎么翻译

xinghe-prominence in English and yihe-prominence in Chinese英汉语形合和意合研究中...大小:2.28M 已经过百度安全检测,放心下载点击下载

英语重形合 汉语重意合怎么翻译


They are students.意合:意思相符合形合:结构相符合





A is as heavy as B.
Same weight.
Two things weight are the same
1. A has the same weight as B. 2. A is as heavy as B.
weigh the same

6,英语注重形合汉语注重意合 求以下英语翻译

英语是重形合的语言, 注重以形显意, 句子各成分之间的逻辑关系靠关联词等显性连接手段来直接标示, English is a language that concentrates on its hypotaxis and focuses on using its form to expressing its meanings, which makes it possible to emobdy the direct indications by explicit connecting means that logical relationship among the members of the sentences was was connected by correlatives 句子各成分之间的逻辑关系靠关联词等显性连接手段来直Direct marks are given by such explicit connective means as connectives / correlatives which are used to connect the logical relationsip among the members /parts in one sentence.汉语是重意合的语言, 注重以意役形,Chinese is a language that emphasizes the parataxis with using meanings to display its form

7,英语重形合 怎么翻译

Formation is important in English language.
they are students.意合:意思相符合形合:结构相符合
hello,English language stresses/emphasises on hypotaxis.
English re-Hypotaxis英语重形合一定正确。

8,破镜重圆 英语翻译怎么说

本意:a broken mirror joined together 意译:reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture; reunion and reconciliation
get back together. 美剧中就有 are you guys gonna get back together? 表达的就是这个意思。
Piecing the evidence together或者A broken mirror made whole again 侧重爱情方面的可以用 Reconciled Love
reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture
破镜重圆 [pò jìng chóng yuán] a broken mirror joined together reunion of husband and wife after an enforced separation or rupture(这第二句主要是解释)
