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来源:整理 时间:2023-06-13 01:38:28 编辑:八论文 手机版





口腔医学dentistry, oral medicine, stomatology
“口腔医学”oral medicine"“口腔医学”oral medicine"
口腔医学stomatology, dentistry属类:【医化专业】-〖医学〗-[汉英名词医学口腔]
dental medicine



Ultrasound see:Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very close to the edge essence and about the size of 4.8 agent * * * * * 3.0 3.8 mm substantial low, echo nodules, boundary ShangQing, peripheral tidy, oval, quality of a material is uniform, did not see the obvious echoes calcification, rear acoustic beam no attenuation, and peripheral nodular CDFI and internal visible strip blood flow distribution, PW measures and for artery flow signal, high resistance index, about 0.7. Even more than the left lobe essence echo, did not see the unusual, blood supply in the normal range. The spondylolysis around and leaves the echo of essence in blood normal range. Both sides neck has not seen the abnormal lymph node.



http://www.medtrans.cn/words/ShowClass.asp?ClassID=14 你自己看看去,我觉得很全。
medical science; medical service; medicine: 医学 medical book: 医书 medical skill; art of healing: 医术 medical matters: 医务 clinic: 医务所 medical science; medicine: 医学 forensic medicine; legal medicine: 法医学 preclinical medicine: 基础医学 preventive medicine: 预防医学 Doctor of Medicine: 医学博士 academy of medical sciences: 医学科学院 medical literature: 医学文献 Bachelor of Medicine: 医学学士 medical heritage: 医学遗产 college of medicine: 医学院 medical witness: 医学证人 medicine : 医药 general medical knowledge: 医药常识 medical expenses: 医药费 medical kit; medicine chest: 药箱 first-aid kit: 急救药箱 property of a medicine: 药性 pharmaceutical college: 药学院 dipping vat: 药浴池 medicated soap: 药皂 drug rash; drug eruption: 药疹 assistant pharmacy: 药剂士 pharmaceutics; pharmacy: 药剂学 medicinal liquor: 药酒 pharmacology: 药理学 efficacy of a drug: 药力 absorbent cotton: 药棉


以下为 Google 的翻译:Identified in the text paragraph 3.1 IBS model successfully established with the t-testThe text in paragraph 3.2 of the IBS group and the treatment group AWR = 3 required rectum water injection was significantly lower than the control group, the difference was statistically significant (p <0.01), with the t-test. Treatment group AWR = 3 required rectum water injection rate higher than the IBS group, the difference was statistically significant (p <0.01), with the t-test因为是医学专业名词,所以,需要借助一下 Google 来翻译一下,然后你再这个基础上去改进。
It is ascertained in the 3.1 paragraph of the article that Establish the IBS model successfully depend on the method of T test.It is improved in the 3.2 paragraph of the article that the water injection of intestinum is obviously lower than the blank control group when AWR of IBS group and treatment group is 3. The difference has statistical significance(p<0.01). The method is T test. The intestinum water injection of treatment group is higher than IBS group when AWR is 3.The difference also has statistical significance(p<0.01)And the method is T test,too.自己翻译的···还好不算长,希望可以帮到你
In section 3.1, it is the T test used in confirming the successful modeling for the IBS.In section 3.2, it is the T test that is used when AWR=3, the rectal water injection rate needed by the IBS group and treatment group is significantly lower than that needed by the No-treatment Control group, the difference is of statistical significance (p<0.01).It is also the T test that is used when AWR=3, the rectal water injection rate needed by the treatment group is higher than that needed by the IBS group, the difference is of statistical significance (p<0.01).【供参考】


Ultrasound findings: About leaf size and shape of the thyroid in the normal range, the thickness of the normal isthmus, capsule smooth and complete, under very close to the edge of the left lobe of substance about the size of probe and 4.8 * 3.0 * 3.8mm material is low, echo nodules, the border is still clear, surrounding neat, was oval, homogeneous, no significant calcification echo, no rear beam attenuation, CDFI showed nodular peripheral blood flow and distribution within the visible strip, PW and for measuring arterial blood flow, resistance index higher, about 0.7. I even left lobe of the real echo, no abnormal blood supply in the normal range. Isthmus and left lobe echo and real blood in the normal range. No abnormal lymph nodes on both sides of the neck.
超声所见:甲状腺左右叶大小形态在正常范围,峡部厚度正常,被膜光滑完整,左叶下极靠近边缘实质探及大小约4.8*3.0*3.8mm实质性低,回声结节,边界尚清,周边整齐,呈椭圆形,质地均匀,未见明显钙化回声,后方声束无衰减,CDFI示结节周边及内部可见条状血流分布,PW测及为动脉血流信号,阻力指数较高,约0.7。余左叶实质回声均匀,未见异常,血供在正常范围。峡部及左右叶实质回声及供血在正常范围。颈部两侧未见异常肿大淋巴结。Ultrasound findings:Thyroid left leaf size morphology in the normal range, isthmus thickness in normal, film is smooth and complete, very close to the edge of the left lobe of the essence of size about 4.8 * 3 * 3.8mm solid low, hypoechoic nodules, borders Shang Qing, orderly periphery, oval, uniform texture, no obvious calcification echo, the rear beam without attenuation, CDFI nodules in the peripheral and internal visible strip distribution of blood flow, measured PW and arterial blood flow signal, resistance index is high, about 0.7. I left leaf essence echo is homogeneous, no abnormal, blood supply in the normal range. Isthmus and left and right lobe parenchyma and blood supply in the normal range. Both sides of the neck showed no abnormal lymph nodes.
Ultrasound see:Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very close to the edge essence and about the size of 4.8 agent * * * * * 3.0 3.8 mm substantial low, echo nodules, boundary ShangQing, peripheral tidy, oval, quality of a material is uniform, did not see the obvious echoes calcification, rear acoustic beam no attenuation, and peripheral nodular CDFI and internal visible strip blood flow distribution, PW measures and for artery flow signal, high resistance index, about 0.7. Even more than the left lobe essence echo, did not see the unusual, blood supply in the normal range. The spondylolysis around and leaves the echo of essence in blood normal range. Both sides neck has not seen the abnormal lymph node.
Ultrasound see:Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very close to the edge essence and about the size of 4.8 * 3.0* 3.8 mm substantial low, echo nodules, boundary even clear, peripheral tidy, oval, quality of a material is uniform, did not see the obvious echoes calcification, rear acoustic beam no attenuation, and peripheral nodular CDFI and internal visible strip blood flow distribution, PW measures and for artery flow signal, high resistance index, about 0.7. Even more than the left lobe essence echo, did not see the unusual, blood supply in the normal range. The spondylolysis around and leaves the echo of essence in blood normal range. Both sides neck has not seen the abnormal lymph node.


先申明,我不是學醫的,我儘量翻譯: 检查的完整性,胸部( 触诊肋骨, 锁骨 ,胸骨和肩胛为异常) : - crepitations ( e.g.fracture或不稳定的胸骨) -疼痛 检查纵隔的位置是: -气管检查的位置: 触诊与一个单一的手指在中线,并确定它是否缆优先一方或另一方 淋巴结,锁骨上窝/腋下结核,淋巴瘤,癌症的支气管, infraclavicular和parasternal 尖拍可能会流离失所,因为心脏扩大,而不是一个转变,纵隔 不平等的运动,胸部: -看看从考试结束表/沙发或床上。 -经典的方法,触诊鉴别呼吸冲程: -扩大你的手指锚指尖到目前为止,横向左右,胸壁,而您的延长大拇指满足在中线 -关于灵感,评估是否有非对称运动的大拇指从中线(运动应该是平等的1 - 2厘米) -替代方法触诊鉴别呼吸冲程: -奠定了舒适,另一方面对任何一方的胸部,并使用这些作为衡量,评估是否有缩减,运动运动对一方期间的启示 nbdiminution的运动对一方表明,病理上说, side.in老年人呼吸漂移可能是微不足道缺席,作为前-后层面的胸部的发展和横向运动削弱。 触诊肋间部位异常: -肿块,外科,肺气肿 触觉震颤 : -声乐震颤(评估时,病理是怀疑) 打击乐 敲与中指(锤爪)的,一方面对方阵中的中指与活动,另一方面,奠定了平放于chest.the锤手指shoude罢工的权利的角度和手腕的手指手锤,应与每个弹簧刀strike.see表4.1歧视的声音。 敲两侧胸部为共振,在顶端,中,下游segment.compare双方,如果不同,也比较正面和背面的胸部 如果一个枯燥无味地区存在,地图上指出它的限制percussing从共振到平淡地区。 敲水平的disphragm从上面向下。 增加共振,可能会出现在: -气胸 -肺气肿 减少共振,可能会出现在: -积液:非常平淡-有时被称为石沉闷
触 检查胸的完整性((为反常)确诊肋骨,锁骨,胸骨和肩胛:-crepitations(例如破裂或者不稳定胸骨)疼痛检查中隔位置:有一个在中线中单一的手指的 -trachea-checkposition:palpate和决心如果它优先地悄悄地去一方面或者其它淋巴结 ,supraclavicular窝//腋-,支气管,infraclavicular和parasternal顶节拍-的结核病,淋巴瘤,癌可以由于扩大心脏和不一胸部的中隔不相称动作的改变被取代:从考试桌子//长沙发或者床的末端-Look.辨识呼吸的游览触的-Classic方法:延伸你的手指-直到你的伸出拇指在中线中遭遇在上灵感,在胸部墙周围极侧面地停泊指尖,估计是否有从中线拇指的不对称动作((动作将去是相等1-2cm)辨识呼吸的游览触的-Alternative方法:位置a交舒适向前两边的胸部和使用这些同样地a标准量度估价如果那里是减少的动作的动作向前一方面在期间灵感N.B.Diminution的动作向前一方面指示病理学向前那个side.In更老成年人呼吸的游览有能力是极小向前使缺席同样地位于前部的-身体后部把切削成规格的尺寸的胸生长和位于侧面的东西动作减少.确诊为反常肋间的空间:-lumps,外科气肿触觉的震颤:当病理学被怀疑的时候,估计元音震颤 敲击 用反对中指og的中间方阵一只手的中指((榔头手指)轻敲其他的,用每一strike.See桌子4.1为声音的歧视,使扁平物落下在,shoude在榔头手指的直角和手腕方面给予chest.The榔头手指手将去轻打的上.轻敲双方为在顶部回声胸部的,中部和较低segment.Compare方面,偏于和如果不同,也比较前部和回来胸部的如果一个迟钝区域存在,设计出它的极限 percussing from a resonant to the dull area. Percuss the level of the disphragm from above downwards. Increased resonance may occur in: -pneumothorax -emphysema Decreased resonance may occur in: -effusion:very dull-sometimes called stony dullness
触诊 检查的完整性,胸部( palpate肋骨, clavicles ,胸骨和肩胛为异常) : - crepitations ( e.g.fracture或不稳定的胸骨) -疼痛 检查纵隔的位置是: -气管检查的位置: palpate与一个单一的手指在中线,并确定它是否缆优先一方或另一方 淋巴结,锁骨上窝/腋下结核,淋巴瘤,癌症的支气管, infraclavicular和parasternal 尖拍可能会流离失所,因为心脏扩大,而不是一个转变,纵隔 不平等的运动,胸部: -看看从考试结束表/沙发或床上。 -经典的方法,触诊鉴别呼吸冲程: -扩大你的手指锚指尖到目前为止,横向左右,胸壁,而您的延长大拇指满足在中线 -关于灵感,评估是否有非对称运动的大拇指从中线(运动应该是平等的1 - 2厘米) -替代方法触诊鉴别呼吸冲程: -奠定了舒适,另一方面对任何一方的胸部,并使用这些作为衡量,评估是否有缩减,运动运动对一方期间的启示 nbdiminution的运动对一方表明,病理上说, side.in老年人呼吸漂移可能是微不足道缺席,作为前-后层面的胸部的发展和横向运动削弱。 palpate intercostal位异常: -肿块,外科,肺气肿 触觉fremitus : -声乐fremitus (评估时,病理是怀疑) 打击乐 percuss与中指(锤爪)的,一方面对方阵中的中指与活动,另一方面,奠定了平放于chest.the锤手指shoude罢工的权利的角度和手腕的手指手锤,应与每个弹簧刀strike.see表4.1歧视的声音。 percuss两侧胸部为共振,在顶端,中,下游segment.compare双方,如果不同,也比较正面和背面的胸部 如果一个枯燥无味地区存在,地图上指出它的限制percussing从共振到平淡地区。 percuss水平的disphragm从上面向下。 增加共振,可能会出现在: -气胸 -肺气肿 减少共振,可能会出现在: -积液:非常平淡-有时被称为石沉闷
触诊 胸部的Check正直(摸肋骨、锁骨、反常性的胸骨和肩胛骨) : -crepitations (e.g.fracture或不稳定的胸骨) -pain Check纵隔位置: -trachea-check位置:摸与在中线的一个唯一手指并且确定它是否择优地滑倒对一边或其他 Lymph结、supraclavicular窝或者axillae结核病,淋巴瘤,支气管的癌症, infraclavicular和胸骨旁由于心脏扩大而不是转移Apex在纵隔中,打可以被偏移胸口的Unequal运动:从考试桌的末端的-Look或长沙发或者床。辩明呼吸游览的触诊-Classic方法: -extend您的手指船锚指尖侧向地在胸壁附近,您延长的拇指在中线见面 -on启发,估计是否有拇指的不对称的运动从中线的(运动应该是相等1-2cm)辩明呼吸游览的触诊-Alternative方法:如果有运动的运动的减少在一边的在启发时, -lay舒适手在胸口的每一边和,使用这些作为测量仪,估计运动的N.B.Diminution在一边的表明在那边的病理学。在老年人呼吸游览也许是最小的对缺席,当胸部的先前后部维度开发,并且侧向运动减少。反常性的Palpate肋间的空间: -lumps,外科气肿 Tactile fremitus : -vocal fremitus (被估计病理学什么时候被怀疑) Percussion 与中指(锤子手指)的Percuss反对中指og的中间密集队的一只手其他,平展放置在胸口。锤子手指shoude罢工和锤子手指手的直角腕子应该甩与每罢工。为声音的歧视看见表4.1。胸口的Percuss双方共鸣,在顶端,中间和更低的段的。若不同比较边和也比较胸口前面和后面 If每愚钝的区域通过percussing存在,映射它的极限从共振到愚钝的区域。 Percuss disphragm的水平从上面向下。 Increased共鸣也许发生在: -pneumothorax -emphysema Decreased共鸣也许发生在: -effusion :非常愚钝的有时叫的石钝涩 能翻译的也就这么多了#83..唉累死了
