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英文简历中生日怎么写,英文简历上出生日期怎么说birthday or date of birth

来源:整理 时间:2023-06-17 04:46:40 编辑:八论文 手机版


1,英文简历上出生日期怎么说birthday or date of birth

date of birth

英文简历上出生日期怎么说birthday or date of birth


1981. 8. 18.Aug 18th, 1981August 18th, 1981填表格时不需要



birthday,亦可以用date of birthbirthday 英[?b?:θde?] 美[?b?:rθde?] n. 生日; 诞辰; 成立纪念日; [例句]We must not forget your birthday.
如: 这是他的20岁生日 this birthday is his 20th one



填表格要求简洁,您可以填“Nov. 1”
November 1, [年份]
要按顺序 月->天->年month->day->yearmonth/day/year月/天/年如果你的生日是 1932年10月25号你可以有两种写法:10/25/3210/25/1932或者可以用英文写: my birthday is october 25, 1932my birthday i...
如果是填在表格里的,应该是November 1st 或者简写Nov 1st


----意思是如需证明人,将会提供。英文应该是references will be supplied (or furnished) upon request. 或 references available upon request。 ----通常在英语简历的最后写出证明人,可以让雇主感觉到你的简历是真实可靠经得起查询的。如果你的证明人有名望,会对雇主产生一定的影响。  以下几种人可作为证明人的人选:  a.校长、系主任、任课老师,这些人可以证明你的学业情况及性格。  b.单位的领导,以便证明你的工作能力、业务成就和个性。  c.同事或同学,通常证明你的个性与爱好。  写证明人应包括姓名、职位、单位、电话及地点。 如果自己曾经工作过的单位有好几个,一般只写一个证明人便可。  雇主收到你的简历后,如果想聘用你,也许真会向证明人查询你的情况,因而请别人作为你的证明人时,一定要先通知他们,让他们了解你的情况。  证明人一项在简历中可以省略,但须写明:  references will be supplied (or furnished) upon request.  如需证明人,将会提供。
University College 大学学院[英];University of California 加利福尼亚大学[美];University of Chicago 芝加哥大学[美];


date of birth 出生日期 birth date 出生日期英文简历的格式或者内容你如果不太会写的可以116114去天天英语找个英语在线老师为你指导一下,听说是免费的。
姓 family name名 given name生日date of birth出生地 birth place性别 sex(male or female)身高 height 体重 weight 民族 nationality政治面貌 political status工作经历 work experience 获奖情况 awards目标 objective毕业学校 education(注:是从最近的开始写,比如,如果是硕士的话,要先写研究生的,再写本科的。)自我评价 self-evaluation英文简历常用句型:◆ during the past then years,my experience has been concentrated in ◆i have a strong aptitude for working with numbers and extensive experience with computer software applications.◆in applying for the position of ... i offer my qualifications, which i believe will meet your exacting requirements.◆my work experience and my scholastic endeavors have thoroughly prepared me for employment in ◆i offer extensive knowledge of ◆in addition,i have excellent problem-solving skills and feel that, if given the opportunity, i would be an immediate as well as a long-term asset to your firm. ◆i am presently working as a ... for ...◆i am capable of working independently or as a member of a team and feel confident of my ability to provide quality performance in any assignment that i undertake. ◆i believe that my expertise and entrepreneurial insight can be utilized to the advantage of a growing enterprise with a need for effective and efficient financial management and cost control. ◆i am proficient in the operation of a ....国外要求简历内容:(1)scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能) a. native intellectual ability(天赋) b. imagination(想象力) c. creativity(创造力) d. capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力) e. intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry(好奇心) f. ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)g. memory(记忆力) h. accuracy(准确性) i. methodology(研究方法) j. capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)k. potential as a researcher(研究的潜力) 1. potential as a teacher(教学的潜力) m. ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力) n. capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性) (2)academic performance(学业上的表现) a. breadth of general knowledge(知识丰富) b. knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识) c. grade or achievement(成绩或成就) d. industry, diligence(勤勉) e. participation in discussion(讨论积极) f. academic maturity(学业上的成熟) (3)languages(语言能力) a. ability to speak, understand, read and write the english language(听、说、读、写英文的能力) b. ability to read significant literature in other languages than english(英语以外语言阅读能力) (4)character(品行) a. honesty; integrity(诚实) b. sincerity(诚恳) c. sense of responsibility(责任感) d. cooperation (合作) e. enthusiasm(热诚) f. conscientiousness(自觉性) g. ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准) h. reliability; dependability(可靠性)

