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非可 二维数组需要更复杂的策略的大小来确定 非分区比一个用于线性数组。这种复杂性是一种结果 凹凸不平的低密度的大型以及需要获得一个简单的沟通模式之间的细胞。这最后的需求导致了配置 邻居的部分都G-nodes相同宽度在相同的垂直位置 这个G-graph以及部分同样的高度,g-nodes都在同一水平位置,如图8点。例如,如果部分的映射 一个G-node(√√)k,钾大小(n),重度,中度的宽度,然后给我,G-nodes(√k)是重度,和高度的部分(√为G-nodes钾,j),如何- p 曾经,密度不是固定的大型,所以,如果负荷分配到G - 节点(√√k)是钾,接近理想的平均分配,然后加载到至少一次 G-node(我,或(√√)不是k,j。类似的情况下发生的任何其他G-node。 图8点选择一个分区大小的非统一的划分为二维数组。P343 我们提出一种启发式分配策略的二维数组 首先确定大小的G-nodes对角线。一旦这些对角G-nodes有 确定G-nodes大小的确定off-diagonal从十字路口 的宽度和高度的部分倒塌到相应的对角线 节点,如图8点。G-nodes为斜,我们提出以下 方法,也就是在Figure8.25: 。理想的平均负荷计算G-node为整个问题。分配 submeshes,从大型G-node(√k,直到它√钾高于 理想的平均水平。 “排除所有节点的大型垂直或者水平的途径相交 与节点分配给G-node(√√k)k。 一个新的平均负荷的计算每G-node其余部分的大型网络 假设一个数组中(√)ce1ls k-1 k-1、√)。submeshes分配的 对G-node(√剩下的大型k-1 k-1√),直到其负荷高于新平均。 “重复最后两个步骤,直至达到G -节点(左、左),减少每一次 有效的尺寸的大型… 这个结果,应用该技术的LU分解 在数字8.26和8.24相应的估计,性能 注意,与线性案例,对角细胞总是分配 负荷大于理想的平均水平。而且,这个平均增幅从PE(√钾、√k)。 体育(1)。这些结果的不均匀密度的大型的 图8.26负荷细胞在二维均匀,可(n = 200,凯西(16)。 启发式教学,可以改善计算理想的平均负载的平均水平 在对角G-nodes负载得到运用以上新平均在一个新的 对G-nodes submeshes分配。
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非可 二维数组需要更复杂的策略的大小来确定 非分区比一个用于线性数组。这种复杂性是一种结果 凹凸不平的低密度的大型以及需要获得一个简单的沟通模式之间的细胞。这最后的需求导致了配置 邻居的部分都G-nodes相同宽度在相同的垂直位置 这个G-graph以及部分同样的高度,g-nodes都在同一水平位置,如图8点。例如,如果部分的映射 一个G-node(√√)k,钾大小(n),重度,中度的宽度,然后给我,G-nodes(√k)是重度,和高度的部分(√为G-nodes钾,j),如何- p 曾经,密度不是固定的大型,所以,如果负荷分配到G - 节点(√√k)是钾,接近理想的平均分配,然后加载到至少一次 G-node(我,或(√√)不是k,j。类似的情况下发生的任何其他G-node。 图8点选择一个分区大小的非统一的划分为二维数组。P343 我们提出一种启发式分配策略的二维数组 首先确定大小的G-nodes对角线。一旦这些对角G-nodes有 确定G-nodes大小的确定off-diagonal从十字路口 的宽度和高度的部分倒塌到相应的对角线 节点,如图8点。G-nodes为斜,我们提出以下 方法,也就是在Figure8.25: 。理想的平均负荷计算G-node为整个问题。分配 submeshes,从大型G-node(√k,直到它√钾高于 理想的平均水平。 “排除所有节点的大型垂直或者水平的途径相交 与节点分配给G-node(√√k)k。 一个新的平均负荷的计算每G-node其余部分的大型网络 假设一个数组中



中,英己送出A transducer is a device that converts one type of energy to another. The conversion can be to/from electrical, electro-mechanical, electromagnetic, photonic, photovoltaic, or any other form of energy. While the term transducer commonly implies use as a sensor/detector, any device which converts energy can be considered a transducer.Transducers are electric or electronic devices that transform energy from one manifestation into another. Most people, when they think of transducers, think specifically of devices that perform this transformation in order to gather or transfer information, but really, anything that converts energy can be considered a transducer.Transducers that detect or transmit information include common items such as microphones, Geiger meters, potentiometers, pressure sensors, thermometers, and antennae. A microphone, for example, converts sound waves that strike its diaphragm into an analogous electrical signal that can be transmitted over wires. A pressure sensor turns the physical force being exerted on the sensing apparatus into an analog reading that can be easily represented. While many people think of transducers as being some sort of technical device, once you start looking for them, you will find transducers everywhere in your everyday life.Most transducers have an inverse that allows for the energy to be returned to its original form. Audio cassettes, for example, are created by using a transducer to turn the electrical signal from the microphone pick-up – which in turn went through a transducer to convert the sound waves into electrical signal – into magnetic fluctuations on the tape head. These magnetic fluctuations are then read and converted by another transducer – in this case a stereo system – to be turned back into an electrical signal, which is then fed by wire to speakers, which act as yet another transducer to turn the electrical signal back into audio wavesOther transducers turn one type of energy into another form, not for the purpose of measuring something in the external environment or to communicate information, but rather to make use of that energy in a more productive manner. A light bulb, for example, one of the many transducers around us in our day-to-day lives, converts electrical energy into visible light. Electric motors are another common form of electromechanical transducer, converting electrical energy into kinetic energy to perform a mechanical task. The inverse of an electric motor – a generator – is also a transducer, turning kinetic energy into electrical energy that can then be used by other devices.As in all energy conversions, some energy is lost when transducers operate. The efficiency of a transducer is found by comparing the total energy put into it to the total energy coming out of the system. Some transducers are very efficient, while others are extraordinarily inefficient. A radio antenna, for example, acts as a transducer to turn radio frequency power into an electromagnetic field; when operating well, this process is upwards of 80% efficient. Most electrical motors, by contrast, are well under 50% efficient, and a common light bulb, because of the amount of energy lost as heat, is less than 10% efficient.What is the Difference Between Transducers and SensorsTransducers are machines used to change one type of energy into another. They can often be found as a component of more complex devices. Sensors are explicitly intended to measure and express levels of measurement. Quite often, sensors are composed of transducers; therefore, one can see how easy it can be to confuse the two.Generally, transducers come in basic varieties of which there are almost endless applications. The first variety is contact transducers. This type is categorized by a single point of contact used to detect energy. There is generally a coupling material, such as water or oil, employed in order to prevent distortion between the source of energy and the point of detection.Many sensors utilize contact transducers in order to detect energy levels and convert that into an electrical energy which would then influence a display meter. One type of contact transducer that was almost ubiquitous in the late 1980s and early 1990s were tape heads. These were found in any cassette player, touching the magnetic tape and reading the magnetic information that was on it. This information was then converted to an electric signal that was carried by wire to speakers or headphones and then converted back into sound waves.The second most common type of transducers is the immersion type. These are intended to work in liquid environments. This type is effective at measuring sound, pressure, or other forms of mechanical energy. Paintbrush transducers are used like immersion types are, but they work in open environments and have highly sensitive crystals to detect even the faintest levels of energy. Antennae for radio waves are paintbrush types as they collect the broadcast radio waves and convert them into electrical energy that is converted back into sound by a radios speakers.Vibration Transducer Current Transducer Capacitive Transducers MEMS Sensors
what kind of sensor?


In the construction of hydraulic structures in regions with a rigorous climate the State Standard GOST 4795- 68 for hydraulic engineering concrete calls for the construction of protective coatings having simultaneously high heat-insulating and waterproofing properties in the variable water-level zones of the structures. Heat-insulating and waterproofing coatings on a base of such traditional materials as mastic asphalts and lightweight asphaltic concretes with protective enclosures of metal and wood are finding use in hydraulic construction practice in the USSR[1-4]. 根据国家标准GOST 4795- 68对水利工程混凝土的要求,在严酷气候的区域建设水利设施,必须在设施结构水位变化的区域建造一个隔绝高温及防水的保护层。在苏联的水利建设通常所使用的隔热及防水层的传统基础材料是涂以沥青砂胶及轻型沥青混凝土的金属与木材防护罩[1-4]。 However, the considerable weight (150-500 kg/mZ), labor requirements, and installation of numerous anchor bolts for securing the traditional insulating and waterproofing materials on the surfaces being protected stimulated the search for new types of protective coatings. 然而,鉴于其相当的重量(150-500 kg/mZ)和需要大量的劳动力,而且,为了稳固防护面的传统隔热及防水材料,还需要安装许多锚定螺杆,这些缺点激发了寻求新型保护层的研究。 One such new type of insulating and waterproofing coating is foamed epoxy, developed in the research department of the All-Union Planning, Surveying and Research Institute (Gidroproekt). The principal material is foamed epoxy- a foamed plastic on a base of epoxy resins produced on the site by simple mixing of the basic components in given ratios and sequence [5-6]. Low-density foamed epoxies have high heat-insulating and waterproofing properties and good adhesion to concrete, as a consequence of which the insulating-waterproofing coatings on their base are of small weight (8- I0 kg/m 2) and require few anchor bolts for securing. 由勘测与科学研究学院,全盟策划(水利项目)研究部所开发的泡沫环氧树脂是其中的一种新型隔热与防水涂层。主要材料就是泡沫环氧树脂;这是将基本成分按比例及顺序在现场简单混合而成的一种基于环氧树脂的泡沫塑料[5-6]。低密度的泡沫环氧树脂拥有隔绝高温与防水性能以及与混凝土有很好的粘结度,因此以其为基础的隔热与防水层的重量很轻(8- I0 kg/m 2),而且需要稳固的锚定螺杆数量也很少。 The experience of using the foamed epoxy insulating-waterproofng coating on the Gorky hydroelectric station,Kislaya-Guba tidal power plant and the No. 2 hydrodevelopment on the Moscow Canal showed that its use is economically justified only in the case of constructing the structures by the buildup method, when the weight of the insulating-waterproofing material is decisively significant, or in the case of constructing hydrodevelopments in remote and hard to reach regions, where the transportation expenses are great [7]. Therefore, the need arose to perfect the foamed epoxy insulating-waterproofng material from an economic standpoint. 通过高尔基水电站、吉斯拉亚-库巴潮力发电厂及莫斯科运河的第2号水利开发站的使用经验显示,只有使用组合方式建设的水利设施结构,当隔热与防水材料的重量成为重要关键时,或者建于偏僻及难以到达地区,运输费用昂贵的水利开发站,采用这种泡沫环氧树脂的隔热与防水材料才能显示出它的经济性[7]。因此,从经济的角度,改善这种材料成本的需要应运而生。 【英语牛人团】
水工建筑物施工中的地区气候国家标准严格GOST 4795至68年水利工程建设的具体要求工业防腐涂料具有高隔热、防水性能同时在变量的水位区结构。隔热 防水涂料的基础上的这种传统的沥青胶泥材料和轻质沥青 混凝土w
水工建筑物施工中的地区气候国家标准严格GOST 4795至68年水利工程建设的具体要求工业防腐涂料具有高隔热、防水性能同时在变量的水位区结构。隔热 防水涂料的基础上的这种传统的沥青胶泥材料和轻质沥青 保护性外壳石粉掺量下的金属和木头正在寻找用于液压施工实践 俄[1]。然而,相当大的重量(150-500公斤/ mZ),劳动力需求和安装的众多锚栓的寻找传统的绝缘及防水材料表面的刺激而被寻找新类型的保护涂层。 这样的一个新型的隔热和防水涂料发泡,研究环氧树脂研究部门的All-Union规划、测量和研究所(Gidroproekt)。主要材料是 泡沫塑料发泡环氧-对环氧树脂的生产基地在现场通过简单的混合的基础 在给定的比率以及序列组件[6]。 低密度泡沫环氧树脂具有较高的隔热、防水性能和良好的附着力 混凝土,因此,在他们的基地insulating-waterproofing涂料具有较小的重量(8 - 10公斤/米2),需要一些锚栓的保证。 使用泡沫的经验环氧insulating-waterproofng等水力高尔基 车站。Kislaya-Guba潮汐电站,2号hydrodevelopment运河上显示其莫斯科 只有在经济上合理使用的情况下,通过构建结构的组成方法,当的重量 insulating-waterproofing决定性的重要材料,或如构建hydrodevelopments 远程和难以接触的区域,而交通费用都是伟大的[7]。因此,需要完善起来insulating-waterproofng发泡环氧树脂材料从经济学的观点。
楼主你好: 大致的翻译是:(大致与其行相对应) 在水工建筑物中有严格的气候变化的国家标准GOST 4795地区建设 - 液压工程的有在变量水位区的结构同时高隔热和防水性能的防护涂层建设的具体要求68。隔热 作为一个轻量级的沥青和沥青玛蹄脂等传统材料和防水涂料基地 与金属和木材防护罩混凝土发现在液压建设实践中的运用 苏联[1-4]。然而,相当重(150-500公斤/ MZ),劳动力需求,以及众多为确保地脚螺栓安装在表面上的传统的绝缘和防水材料的保护刺激了新类型的防护涂料搜索。 一个这样的新型绝缘和防水涂料是环氧发泡,开发了全联盟的规划研究部门,测量及都市研究所(Gidroproekt)。主要材料 发泡环氧树脂上的网站上产生的简单的基本混合环氧树脂基发泡塑料 在给定的比例和顺序组成部分[5-6]。 低密度发泡环氧树脂具有高隔热和防水性能和良好的附着力 混凝土,因此在他们的基地,其中的绝缘,防水涂料的小重量(8是 - I0公斤/米2),并要求为保证数地脚螺栓。 在使用上的高尔基水电站的发泡环氧树脂绝缘,waterproofng涂层经验 站。 Kislaya,古坝潮汐电站和2号在莫斯科运河hydrodevelopment表明,其 在经济上是合理的使用只有在建设的建设方法的结构情况下,当重 的绝缘,防水材料果断显着,或在建设hydrodevelopments案 偏远和难以到达的地区,那里的交通费用是巨大的[7]。因此,在必要时完善发泡环氧树脂绝缘,waterproofng从经济的角度来看的材料。 其实网上有很多翻译的软件,像谷歌在线翻译、有道、灵格斯等都是很不错的,建议你看看,综合一下,会是你翻译的内容更加漂亮!! 最后望你采纳哈…………
译文:在苛刻气候地区的水利设施建造中,水力工程混凝土国家标准(俄罗斯国家标准4795-68),要求防护涂料的结构 在不同的水准液面的建筑物区域中(必须)同时具有高绝热性能和高防水性能。绝热涂料和防水涂料以传统物质诸如沥青砂胶和轻质柏油沥青混凝土为基准材料,并带有金属和木材防护壳(体),这些涂料目前正用于苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟[1-4]的水力建筑实践中。然而,(由于)(a)重量过大(150-500 kg/m2), ,(b) 劳动力的需求, 和(c)为了固定防护面上的传统绝缘材料和防水材料 需要安装大量的地基螺栓,(这三种原因将)促进(人们)研究新型防护材料。这样的一种新型绝缘及防水涂料就是泡沫(状)环氧基树脂,这种树脂是由全盟策划勘测与科学研究学院水利项目研究部 研发的。其最主要的材料就是泡沫状环氧基树脂-----基本成分是环氧树脂的泡沫塑胶,该塑胶可以现场制作,制作方法是:只要把这些材料的基本成分按给定的比例和顺序[5-6]给予混合即可。低密度泡沫环氧树脂具有很高的绝热性能和防水性能,并对混凝土具有良好的粘合力,由于这个原因,基础面上的绝缘防水涂料的重量是很轻的(8--10公斤/平方米) 因而几乎不需要使用起固定作用的地基螺栓。(经验:) 在(a)高尔基(Gorky)水力发电站, (b) Kislaya-Guba (俄罗斯的一个发酵海湾地名)潮力发电站,和(c)莫斯科运河第2水力开发(电)站,都有使用泡沫环氧树脂绝缘防水涂料的经历,经历表明,使用这种(树脂绝缘防水)涂料很经济很合理,尤其是在下列两种情况下更经济更合理:(a) 当绝缘防水材料的重量起着决定性的作用时,而且又要通过聚积组合的方法来建造(水力)结构,或(b) 在遥远的而且难以达到的地区(其运输费用极其昂贵[7])建造水力发电站。 因此,从经济的观点来看,改善或完美这种泡沫环氧树脂绝缘防水材料的需要 便 应运而生。 解释:加上(a), (b), (c) ....虽然是原文没有的,但是很有助于读者的理解;科技英语的翻译应该极力直译,放心译文,敬请采纳。
